Odoo Migration check list

Get the most out of your Odoo by using the latest version !

Everything you need to know for a successful Odoo migration:

If you're using a version of Odoo that's considered "outdated" (i.e. three or more versions behind the latest version), you're probably missing out on many recent features that Odoo has introduced.

Careful preparation is essential, as the more intermediate versions there are between the current version and the desired one, the more complex the upgrade becomes. So it's best to consider it not just as a wish, but as an imperative. It could even be considered as a project in its own right, with considerable potential benefits!

How does Odoo migration work? 

Two main elements have a major impact on your Odoo migration: 

  • Current type and version of your Odoo (Community/Enterprise and version: 13, 14 ,15 etc.) Of course, you may choose not to migrate directly to the latest version but to a lower one, which may also have an impact in terms of complexity and time.   
  • Developments: are there many external applications and customizations applied to the environment? ​ 

To upgrade to the desired Odoo version, Odoo offers a platform for updating standard applications. This is part of the Enterprise license, but allows only standard applications to be migrated. : https://upgrade.odoo.com/

Assistance will be needed to bring about the most radical changes to the business, think about it:

  • New functionalities to support processes
  • New fields/actions in the current workflow
  • Adjust custom code (or even better: remove it and replace it with standard functions)
  • Take the right steps to move from the current version to the new one.


To ensure a successful migration, Nalios has published a multi-step checklist, which you can download here : Découvrir les livres blancs Nalios 


At Nalios, we specialize in Odoo and are committed to helping users make the most of the latest version of Odoo. Would you like to benefit from the advantages of the latest version for your company? Contact our team at Nalios, and we'll help you make the transition to this new version!

Make an appointment with a Nalios expert

*Upgrade and migration: In the Odoo context, a version change can be considered both an upgrade and a migration. This may be confusing, but it means the same thing: 
A software modification that is irreversible. 

It's an UPDATE because it remains in the same type of software. However, it's also a MIGRATION because it involves an irrevocable modification and transfer of data to "new" software. 

So don't be put off by the mixed use of these words.